UNJPPI News – Working Groups Invitation

Invitation to join Working Groups  [Print]


On the last UNJPPI Coordinating Team call we made plans to involve people from across our Network in our work.

We are creating working groups with leadership from the Coordinating Team and a broad invitation for others to participate actively in these groups.

  1. Political advocacy with new government and with GCE.
  2. Education  through congregations:
  3. Local creative action
  4. Media Watch Group

Our intention is that each working group will create short and long term strategies; find ways to work with partners (other churches here and abroad and activists in our regions).  Each group will set specific measurable targets.  When Kathy returns from China we hope that she can devise a system for tracking and celebrating our achievements.

All of this work is directed to laying the groundwork for our longer term purpose of activating BDS as we discussed at Halifax.  In the meantime Kathy will be organizing materials to help us talk about BDS.

So here’s my ASK.

Please join a group.   Communication will be by phone or skype.  We really want people from various parts of the country to become active in this work.  Please e-mail one of the leaders of the group with which you want to work.  And they will be sending out more detailed announcements about their particular work soon.

Thanks to everyone who has made a financial contribution towards our work.   Another step we will take is to get a team to work on finances.  If this is your area of expertise let us know.

And a special thanks for thinking about your gifts and where you want to invest energy in our crucial work of encouraging Israel to stop identity-based discrimination and to respecting the human rights of Palestinians.   Energy, focus, and prayer will move us along this path.

Blessings, Marianna Harris, co-chair. UNJPPI

November 7, 2015

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