Winter 2019 update on Local-Global Advocacy

Dear friends in the justice work of the church  (LGAN of Saskatchewan Conference),

Best wishes of the season from Catherine Christie and Linda Stumpf, co-conveners of the Local Global Advocacy Network.  We write this to the existing LGAN Network, and to the Presbytery people who had signed the form presented at your Presbytery meetings to ask if you want to continue to be involved in justice issues continuing the work LGAN has been doing.

The work of the Church is still going on, in spite of the change of structure, and we wanted to share with you some information of the activities that have been taking place in the last months of 2018, including rural issues, Israel and Palestine, refugee sponsorship, and next steps including a spring conference call.  Continue reading

Lenten resources by Palestinian Christians

The Lenten season is fast approaching. Friends of Sabeel North America is pleased to offer a variety of resources for an illuminating experience of reflection, prayer, and advocacy. Read on for links to these free resources.

A little background: The Sabeel Centre for Liberation Theology in Jerusalem is an initiative of Palestinian Christians living under Israeli military occupation. It’s a long time partner of the United Church of Canada. In Canada, the Canadian Friends of Sabeel also offers resources and support related to Sabeel’s important ministry and witness.

A webinar for Lent: Land of Jesus, People of God, Words of Witness

Thursday, February 8, 2018
10:00am Pacific, 12:00pm Central, 1:00pm Eastern

Register here

Join Rev. Dr. Naim Ateek, Dr. Monica Burnett and FOSNA Executive Director Tarek Abuata for this Lenten webinar! Speakers will address issues on the ground in Palestine, introduce a new educational Biblical resource for congregations, and provide ideas for advocacy stemming from Palestinian Liberation Theology.

A Lenten Study Guide:
What Would They Say Now? Encounters with People of the Bible

Download here

This Lenten study booklet, based on Biblical narratives, is designed to facilitate reflection, sharing, and action. The six chapters offer resources for historical and devotional Bible study. These chapters, appropriate for congregational or individual use, are accessible to all, including those with minimal exposure to Palestine justice issues. Suggestions are provided for justice advocacy.

Email Prayer Series: Lenten Illuminations

Sign up here

Subscribers to the FOSNA Weekly News Digest/Wave of Prayer email will receive weekly meditations based on the Wave of Prayer from Sabeel in Jerusalem. These meditations will focus on developments in Palestine and here in the United States. To subscribe to FOSNA’s Weekly News Digest, sign up here.

Allow the Lenten season to deepen your connection, vision and energy for grounded Christian justice witness.


Diplomatic talks on Korea-Women’s perspectives

Earlier in January 2018, the seemingly sudden dialogue between North and South Korea made headlines around the world, and were a welcome change from mutual threats of mass destruction from the US and North Korea.

For perspectives that weren’t making into the headlines, especially women’s perspectives, have a look at CBC’s interview with Patricia Talbot, Team Leader, Church in Partnership; Asia Partnerships.

As she says, and as this article from the National Observer notes, women have enormous resources and key perspectives to offer peace talks, but so often they’re cut out of the process.

A group of about 20 Korean and Canadian women, with a banner saying Women's Leadership in the Korean Peace Process.

The women’s delegation in Vancouver, January 2018.

Continue reading

Saskatoon Nov 20-24: Inquiry into Missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls

November 20-24, the national Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls will hold its only planned SK hearings in Saskatoon. The All My Relations Network of SK Conference invites your support through presence, prayer, your contributions to comfort bags, and more.

Please see the AMRN blog for a complete list of suggestions. Please note that as we receive more information, we will post updates on the All My Relations blog. AMRN is thankful for the partnership we share with the Iskwewuk e-wichiwitochik (Women Walking Together) community group as we accompany each other in this work.

Dialogue is the only way to avert a war- Korean churches statement

“War destroys all of us: we desperately appeal for peace on the Korean peninsula.”

Dear Friends,

With tensions steadily increasing between the United States and North Korea, the National Council of Churches in Korea (NCCK) continues to call for peaceful dialogue to resolve the rising conflict between these two governments to avoid war in the Korean peninsula.

The NCCK, along with each moderator from the member churches of the NCCK, participated in a press conference to express their unified stance on a peaceful resolution.

To read the collective call and the urgent appeal to the international community for peace in Korea, please click here.

Sincerely, the NCCK International Team

Jeremiah 33:6 “Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and I will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.”





Worship and action resources for World Food Day, Oct 16

Throughout this week in October we are invited to take action for food justice. As the harvest is gathered and as Indigenous and non-Indigenous people alike respectfully hunt and fish in preparation for winter, we give thanks for the beauty and the bounty of God’s Creation. Please set aside time in worship to give thanks, and to pray and take action for the millions around the world and in Canada who are hungry in the midst of plenty, or who are hungry because they are fleeing disasters and violence.

See the United Church’s national page for resources. The United Church and many of our own farmers are also partners with the Canadian Foodgrains Bank, which also offers a special 2017 worship resource.   Continue reading

The Statement by The United Church of Canada on the Legal Settlement for Omar Khadr

The United Church respects the decision of the federal government to apologize to Omar Khadr   Published on July 12, 2017, accessed on Facebook

The United Church of Canada respects the decision of the federal government to apologize to Omar Khadr, a Canadian citizen, for its role in his ordeal that began with his detention by the United States in Afghanistan.

Since 2008, the United Church has written to the federal government on several occasions regarding the miscarriage of justice in the treatment of Omar Khadr, who was 15 years old when he was detained and considered a child soldier under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, to which Canada is a signatory. At that time, the church requested that an independent review of the Canadian government’s involvement in Khadr’s detention be implemented.

In a unanimous ruling in 2010, the Supreme Court found Khadr’s human rights were being violated at Guantanamo Bay: “The deprivation of [Khadr’s] right to liberty and security of the person is not in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice,” the court ruled.

“The interrogation of a youth detained without access to counsel, to elicit statements about serious criminal charges while knowing that the youth had been subjected to sleep deprivation and while knowing that the fruits of the interrogations would be shared with the prosecutors, offends the most basic Canadian standards about the treatment of detained youth suspects.”

There is much brokenness in this story. However, as followers of Christ, we find our hope in the power of restorative justice to mend deep divisions between individuals, peoples, and nations.

From 15,000 years to 150- prayers and reflections

July 1 marks the 150th anniversary of Confederation. As we reflect on this milestone, there are “thoughts, feelings, and prayers Indigenous friends and relations want our whole church to hear. As we mark Canada 150, we need to contemplate them, share them in our networks, and lift them up in worship on July 2, the Sunday closest to Canada Day. As Henry David Thoreau wrote, “It takes two to speak the truth—one to speak and another to hear. (David Giuliano, Community Capacity Development Coordinator, Aboriginal Ministries, The United Church of Canada).

Worship resources

Reflections on Canada 150 from Indigenous people

All My Relations Network: How Shall We Celebrate Canada 150?

Prayer (By Liz Mackenzie, Saskatchewan Conference Personnel Minister)

One:   From the West to the East, the North and to the South;

All:      we are your people, O God, and we live in your world.

One:   From sea to sea to sea; from mountains to prairies; rock shields to Great Lakes; bountiful fruit orchards to windswept east coast cliffs;

All:      we are your people, Creator God, called to celebrate your good creation.

One:   From the first peoples to inhabit Turtle Island to the newest visitors to arrive in Canada;

All:      your Spirit lives in all your peoples – yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

One:   Young and old, in the diversity of our abilities, sexualities, gender identities, ethnicity and race;

All:      You gather us as sheaves of wheat and call us to live as one.

One:   You call us together, Source of all Love, to be the bearers of your love in this great country of Canada;

All:      As we celebrate Canada’s 150th anniversary, may we work together for a country and a world where all are included in your dream of justice, peace, reconciliation, and grace.  May it be so, Gracious God.  Amen.

June 5 Facebook Live event: anti-poverty

Minister Duclos to Host a Facebook Live Event Discussing the Federal Anti-Poverty Strategy

On June 5, the Hon. Jean-Yves Duclos, Minister of Families, Children, and Social Development, will be holding a Facebook live event in order to discuss poverty reduction, and the federal government’s Poverty Reduction Strategy.  The event will be held on June 5 from 4:30-5:30pm EST, and can be accessed via the following link:

Participants will be invited to submit questions and pose comments.

SK Conference The Call Echoes weekend June 16-18

You’re invited to The Call Echoes, SK Conference events June 16, 17, 18 in Saskatoon
Register: or call the Conference office.

In need of some faith revival and community? Come and be fed . . . Saskatchewan Conference does not have an annual general meeting this year, but The Call Echoes, Saskatchewan Conference’s Ministry event, is for you. This is an exciting get together for renewal, justice-seeking, learning, and celebration of our ministry is for everyone. Please help promote these events! (See below for promotion resources and details).

Come join us for a Friday retreat, Saturday singing and workshops, and the celebration of ministries banquet, and Sunday’s celebration of new ministries service. We even have a micro brewery tour and tasting! It all takes place June 16 – 18 in Saskatoon. Please register as soon as possible as registration is only open until June 5th. Some events have limited enrollment.

Continue reading

Bill C-16 stalled in the Senate: take action for transgender human rights

Trans* people are ministers and leaders in the United Church and across the country. They are members of our families, our loved ones, our friends, colleagues, and neighbours, and they deserve to have their identities protected by the law.

Bill C-16 would amend the Canadian Human Rights Act to prohibit discrimination on the grounds of gender identity and gender expression. It will also amend the Canadian Criminal Code to include gender identity and gender expression as a recognized group when offences are motivated by bias, prejudice, or hate.

Bill C-16 passed its third reading in the House of Commons in November 2016, and is now in its second reading in the Senate. Some groups are actively campaigning the Senate to block this bill. Please take action by contacting your senator as soon as possible, and urge the Senate to make Bill C-16 law.

Saskatchewan Senators:

Raynell Andreychuk

Denise Batters:

Lillian Eva Dyck:

David Tkachuk

Pamela Wallin:

Opportunity to have your say in Canada’s International Priorities

This invitation comes to us from the Saskatchewan Council for International Cooperation, of which Saskatchewan Conference is a member.

The Inter-Council Network (ICN), of which SCIC is a member, has prepared a submission to Global Affairs Canada’s review of the agency’s international assistance policies and priorities.

The submission reflects input gathered from all member Councils across the country. Now, we’re looking for your opinion on the draft version of our report.


Background: On May 18, 2016, the Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of International Development and La Francophonie, launched a public review and consultation of Canada’s international assistance policy and funding framework.

This International Assistance Review (IAR) will inform how Canada can best refocus its international assistance on the poorest and most vulnerable people and support fragile states. It will also shape Canada’s approach to implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. As part of the IAR, the Minister is placing a special emphasis on the rights of women and girls, and plans to apply a feminist approach to Canada’s international assistance activities going forward.

Following your review of the draft report (accessible here), please answer the survey questions. The survey has 14 questions and should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. Your responses are confidential and results will not be attributed to any specific organization or individual. The survey will be open until Tuesday, July 19th at 5:00 pm PST / 8:00 pm EST.

Thank you for your input! In the coming weeks, the draft submission will be revised to reflect inputs from the survey, and submitted by the end of July 2016.